
Bill C’s Review – 4 out of 5

Looper is a smart sci-fi thriller that starts with the interesting premise of future mobsters  sending their murder victims back in time to get hit and then be disposed of. Sometimes the loop is closed by sending an old hit man to be hit by his younger self. Parts of this film are reminiscent of the Terminator and one character’s mother, played by Bill and Bill movie favorite Emily Blunt, is even named Sara.

Looper has some good plot twists, is well-written and deals with themes of loss, love, regret and redemption. All the main performances were good including Joseph Gordon-Levitt (despite some prosthetic on his face to make him look like the younger version of himself as played by Bruce Willis), Blunt, Willis, Jeff Daniels (very entertaining as a mob boss), and Pierce Gagno as a freaky kid.

Definitely go see it.


Rotten Tomatoes

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